New Feature - Crafting System

Hey all!

Another day, another project. Today I've been working on a very simple crafting system. This system was built off the shop system that I made quite some time ago, so a lot of the code was reusable.

Basically, some NPCs have the interact type "crafter". When you interact with them, a window pops up (identical to the shop window), but this time when you mouse over an item, a list of materials pops up that tells you what reagents you need and how much of each you need in order to craft the item. Reagents that you don't have enough of are darkened to give the player some visual feedback on whether they can make it or not without having to open up their bag and check for themselves. If you have the materials and the cash, you can click the item and it'll appear in your inventory, while the required reagents are removed from your bag. That's pretty much it!

As I said, its VERY SIMPLE. I was not trying to accidentally go overboard with some crazy in-depth crafting system with countless material requirements, level ups, or recipe collection.You just find NPCs, check what they can make you, make what you want or can afford, and you're on your way!

Hope you found this interesting! Cheers!

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